
Simple Lentil Soup

 400g Split Red Lentils Approx. 1 Litre of Stock 2 Small or 1 Large Onion 2 or 3 Cloves of Garlic 1 Slice of Ginger. 2 Bay Leaves  1 Dessertspoon Soy Sauce 1/2 Teaspoon Cumin 1/2 Teaspoon Smoked Paprika 1 Teaspoon Dried Rosemary Pinch Ground Chilli (optional) Vinegar or Lemon Juice Salt and Pepper 1.  Rinse the lentils well and soak them for at least 30 minutes (the soaking is not necessary, but it does shorten the cooking time) 2.  Add liquid, preferably stock, to give a total of 1.2 litres of liquid. 3.  Bring to the boil, skim off any scum that comes to the top and turn down the heat. 4.  Chop the onions, garlic and ginger. 5.  Add these to the lentils once you have removed the scum as per step 3. 4.  Add the 2 bay leaves and the soy sauce,  then simmer for 20 minutes of so. 5.  Add the cumin, paprika, rosemary, chilli if desired and salt and pepper to taste. 6.  Add enough vinegar or lemon to sharpen to taste. 7  In a frying pan heat a drop of oil to line the pan, melt a knob of bu

Eve's Pudding

Fruit:   500g Apples Juice of 1 small lemon. 1/2 Teaspoon Cinnamon. 430g or so Sugar (preferably light brown).  Use more if the apples are cookers or otherwise sour, less if they are very sweet. A little butter. Pour the lemon juice into a 6" (15cm) diameter cooking dish,  add the cinnamon, sugar and 1 tablespoon water. Core and chop the apples, add these to the lemon and spice mixture, and then add a few small pieces of butter. Sponge: 100 g butter (or replace some of the butter with oil). 100g dark muscovado sugar 120 grams of (preferably sieved) flour.  1/4 teaspoon of almond essence. 2 eggs.  If the flour is plain mix in 2 teaspoons of baking powder. Cream the softened butter with the sugar until airy.  Beat in the eggs and almond essence, and then fold in the flour.  If the mixture is stiff add a spoonful of milk. Pour this over the fruit and bake at 180 C for around 35 minutes or until browned on top and a knife comes out cleanly.

Cauliflower and Red Pepper Soup

 1 Cauliflower 1 Red Pepper 2 Small Onions 2 Sticks Celery 3 or 4 Cloves of Garlic 3 or 4 Chopped Dried Tomatoes 1 Medium Potato 1 Scant Tsp Turmeric 1 Scant Tsp Ground Cumin 1 Scant Tsp Smoked Paprika 1 Scant Tsp Thyme 1 Tblsp Soy Sauce 1 Dsp Tomato Puree 2-3 Bay Leaves 500 ml Stock Seasoning Olive Oil 1.  Chop the onions red pepper and fry in the oil for 3 minutes or until the inion is translucent and  both are aromatic. 2.  Add the chopped celery and fry for another 2 minutes 3.  Add the chopped garlic, and fry until aromatic. 4.  Add the turmeric, thyme, cauliflower and finely diced potato, and fry for another couple of minutes. 5,  Add everything else, season to taster and simmer until all the vegetables are soft. 6.  Remove the bay leaves and liquidise to the desired consistency. 7.  Replace the bay leaves and add about 3 tablespoons of ground flaxseed if desired.

Mushroom Soup

 1 Large Box Mushrooms 1 Large - 2 Small Onions 2 Sticks of Celery 3-4 Cloves Garlic 2 Small to Medium Potatoes 2 Bay Leaves 1 - 2 Teaspoons of Thyme 4 or 5 Sundried Tomatoes Stock Soy sauce Ground cumin 1.  Fry the mushrooms in oil for 12 minutes.  This will probably need to be done in two batches as the mushrooms need to fry, not cook in each others' steam. 2.  Meanwhile or after, fry the onions for a couple of minutes, then add the celery and continue frying for 2 to 3 minutes, then add the garlic and fry for another two minutes. 3.  Next add 2 diced potatoes,  4 or 5 chopped sundried tomatoes and 1 or 2 teaspoons of thyme.  Fry until the ingredients are aromatic. 4.  Add the mushrooms, half a litre of so of stock, 2 bay leaves, a teaspoon of ground cumin and a tablespoon of soy sauce 5  Simmer until the potatoes are tender. 6  Remove the bay leaves and blend the soup. 7.  Replace the bay leaves and season to taste. 8.  Finish with chopped parsley and/or soured cream or yoghurt

Cauliflower Cheese

 1 Medium to Large Cauliflower. 1 Small Clove Garlic 150 Grams+ Tangy Cheese, plus more for topping. 4 Tabespoons Flour 50 grams butter or equivalent oil. 500ml Milk A few Cumin, Fenugreek and Fennel seeds (1//4 to 1/2 teaspoon of each). 1 Tsp mustard (optional). 1 Tsp Soy (optional). Seasoning. 1.  Steam, boil or braise the cauliflower until cooked but not soft. 2.  Grate the 150g cheese 3.  Heat the oil or butter; when hot add the cumin, fennel, fenugreek and a pinch of chilli if desired. 4.  Add the flour, and then work in the milk as for a roux. 5.  Add the grated cheese. 6.  Stir in a teaspoon of mustard. 7.  Add a teaspoon or so of soy if you want. 8.  When thickened, put the cauliflower in a dish and pur the cheese sauce over it. 9.  Top with grated cheese and/or breadcrumbs. 10.  Bake for 30 minutes at 190degrees C.

Pea and Mint Soup

 900g Peas (Approx - frozen are fine). 1 Small Bunch Mint 1 Bunch Spring Onions (6-8) 3-4 Cloves Garlic. Small Piece of Ginger 1 Deseeded Green Chilli 1 Pint or so Stock. A Pinch of Ground Cumin Lemon Juice (optional) 200 ml Single Cream or Yoghurt Salt and Pepper  1.  Chop ginger, onions, garlic and chilli - does not need to be especially fine - and lightly fry in oil. 2.  Add the peas and stock, and simmer gently until the peas are cooked through. 3.  Add the mint, then cumin, lemon and seasoning to taste. 4.  Add the cream or yoghurt (do not boil the soup after this, to avoid curdling).

Roast Red Pepper soup.

8 red peppers 2 onions A handful of sundried tomatoes or equivalent of fresh. 3 cloves garlic, chopped. The rest of the head of garlic unpeeled. 2 sticks celery Zest and juice of 1 lemon. 1 tsp fennel, 1 scanty tsp cumin, cinnamon, a pinch of chilli and salt and pepper. 1 pack passata or equivalent of chopped tomatoes. 1 small bunch parsley if desired. 1.  Toss the red peppers in olive oil and roast them in the oven until softened but not blackened, also the fresh tomatoes if using those, and the whole unpeeled garlic and if you like 1 of the onions, halved, unpeeled and face down. 2. Pop the cumin and fennel in hot oil 3. Fry the onion, chopped garlic and celery in the oil until the onion is starting to caramelise. 4.  Add the lemon zest, then the passata and cinnamon and leave to simmer gently for 20 minutes or so. 5. Peel and add the roast garlic, chop and add the roast onion if used, and add the other roast vegetables to the pan. 6.  Add lemon juice, chilli, salt and pepper to tast